"You must love all that God has created, both His entire world and each tiny little sand grain of it, then your mind will open itself to an all embracing love." Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Friday, June 15, 2012


Why do people lie... seriously, I just can't figure it out...
You think you are friends with someone and then you come to find out they are total liers...

I don't quite get it to be honest... especially when they are a professing Christian.
I don't think that Christians are excempt from sinning or never make mistakes,
but the Bible is so clear on lieing...
noone can say it's a 'legalistic' law or rule on that one.

I thought this photo was interesting...
You got the dogs that are going to go no matter what it takes...
Then you got the ones that say this looks too hard...

Life is like that.
Telling the truth isn't always the easiest thing to do,
but it is always the best thing to do.

Until next time,

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