You know sometimes when I look at my life here on our farm, I start to wonder where it is all going...
Our children are growing... the days just seem to go by so much more quickly and I just don't seem to have the energy I use to... I'm 43 now as of August 13th... my two year old little bundle of boy joy really keeps me moving... some say he is what is keeping me young... some days I feel like I am 63 because of all the chasing...
But what would I do without my little men... life would be withoug meaning I think... no I don't put my life into my children, my husband or my life has to be centered in Christ... as a Christian I must remaine focusd on the goal I have here in this time we call 'now'...
What is 'now'? When is 'now'? It all seems to drift past in a world of haze... each day blending with the next and the previous... The blue sky and sunshine keep me moving... the autumn breeze is now coming through the heat waves of summer... cooling the morning's and evening off... too cold for me... I am an August baby... bring on the heat and sweat... I would rather sweat any day of the week as opposed to have to be bundling up... my hands too cold to even do anything... I am not a beleiver in Winter... by bones long for the sun and warmth to shine down and infuse themselves into my being... Winter is a sad time for me... my beauty that surrounds me in the gardens dissappears and all I have to remember them by is my photo's... teasing me with sweeter days gone by...
My children are like the rays of sunshine as well... but sometimes they are the stormiest of skies in my life... the ups and downs of life they say... I dream of a day when they will be grown, serving the Lord faithfully in their adult lives... living fully the Christian life in a way that will bless others as well as themselves... life is filled with hopes and promises... dreams and death of dreams... where do you go with that? where do we find the peace and hope that we need to go on every day?
... only in HIM!
Until next time...

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