"You must love all that God has created, both His entire world and each tiny little sand grain of it, then your mind will open itself to an all embracing love." Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Out In The Sea

I'm floating along in a little boat in the middle of the great big sea...
I can't see land on any side... I don't have any oars to paddle... I'm drifting and being tossed about... and I don't know where I'll end up...
Out in the far off sky it is dark... I don't know which direction anything is going because I forget which way the sun sets and rises... just drifting
There is a mist in the air but I can't tell if it's coming from the water or if it is starting to rain... I have no shelter from the storm and the boat is becoming tumultuous...

Peter was out in the boat when the storm was raging... He saw something coming walking on the water... he realized it was the Lord...
Jesus called him out onto the water... he stepped out... in faith...
Do you believe this really happened? Have you ever been by the seashore and stepped out... did you walk on the water?
Peter stayed afloat while he kept his eyes on Jesus... then suddenly he turned away and looked at the storm... the raging sea... the impossibility of it all... and he started to sink immediately...
"Master, master, I perish... save me!" Peter cried out!

Jesus simply held him up and said, "Oh ye of little faith..."
How it must have grieved Him... here Peter was walking on the water... it should have been exhilarating... but he caved in, shall we say.

How do we stop from caving in?
How do we keep our eyes on Jesus when the storms are bashing so hard and all the walls are crashing in?
How do we keep the faith...

"Master, master, I perish... save me!"
Until next time,

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